Centurylink IMAP Settings for Outlook, iPhone, Android

Jenny Lowrence | February 12th, 2024 | Data Backup

We must be aware of the IMAP, SMTP, and POP3 settings in order to configure Centurylink email accounts in any other third-party applications, including Outlook, iPhone, Android, etc. Do you also need Centurylink IMAP settings? If so, you are welcome to read this blog post. Here you will learn the correct Centurylink email IMAP settings information that may be used to set up different email clients.

Centurylink Email IMAP Settings for Outlook and Other Applications

Below are the following details that you have been looking for to configure your Centurylink email account with another email program such as Thunderbird, Outlook, Apple Mail, etc. You just need to copy these IMAP, SMTP, or POP3 settings and it will work perfectly.

Email Settings Port Details
CenturyLink IMAP Incoming mail server:
993, requires SSL
143, non-secure
CenturyLink POP3 Incoming mail server:
995, requires SSL
110, non-secure
CenturyLink SMTP Outgoing mail server:
465, requires SSL
587, non-secure

One-Stop Solution to Backup Centurylink Emails to Computer

If you want to easily backup CenturyLink email to computer/PC/hard drive etc.. Try, the efficient and effective approach i.e., Advik Email Backup Wizard to download emails from Centurylink into 30+ different file-saving options. It is the most recommended application to backup or migrate emails from CenturyLink account.

Moreover, this tool enables users to migrate emails from CenturyLink to Office 365, Gmail, Outlook.com, Zoho Mail, AOL Mail, Yandex Mail, G Suite, iCloud, Reiffmail, AWS Workmail, GoDaddy, ProtonMail, Bluehost and many other email services with this single application.

Watch Tutorial

In the above demonstration video, we have elaborated on the complete steps to backup Centurylink emails. Just choose the email source Centurylink from the list and it will be easier to understand the working process.

Final Words

Therefore, we are done with providing useful details about Centurylink IMAP settings. Now, you can easily use these IMAP settings to configure Centurylink into any third-party application including Outlook, Thunderbird, Android, iPhone, etc. Also, we have given a reliable approach to backup CenturyLink emails in multiple file formats.